Corso Trento e Trieste in Lanciano

The redevelopment of the public system of Corso Trento and Trieste derives from an agreement between the Municipality of Lanciano, the RicciSpaini Architetti Associati studio and the Department of Architecture and Project of Sapienza University of Rome.
The nature of the assignment focuses on the redevelopment of the urban axis for its complete redefinition as a pedestrian area related to commercial uses and for large cultural and religious events.
The intervention of new paving of the entire road axis aims at restoring semantic coherence to the urban route, now penalized by a pedestrian / vehicular promiscuous use, enhancing its straight formal character: a large carpet, formally completed, characterized by a precise geometry, which it extends in its background texture on the entire carriageway, re-weaving where possible to the existing paving in basalt slabs.
The return of identity and formal dignity of the axis results in an operation of redesigning floors that incorporates some decorative motifs of the Abruzzese tradition, and transfigures them to make them the background of the urban scene in which the relationships between citizens are represented and old and new collective rituals are celebrated.
To promote greater safety for pedestrians, the odds of the current sidewalks will be equalized with those of the driveway, a functional intervention also for the elimination of architectural barriers.
The project provides for a strong integration of the methods of use of the Course in terms of practicability, without prejudice to the means of urban hygiene, rescue and law enforcement, the means of supplying goods (in pre-established time slots), the absolute prohibition of parking , the involvement of interdependent adjacent areas for accessibility. Within the new system, opportune ways of commercial and pedestrian use have also been studied through the presence of structures suitable for the public stay linked to the presence of commercial services. The design of the public space comes through the components of light, colors and materials, addressing innovative themes on energy saving and wireless connectivity to computer networks.
Begun in December 2017, the works should be completed by December 2018 for a total cost of € 1,300,000.



Comune di Lanciano


Service agreement between Dipartimento di Architettura e Progetto (Sapienza) and Municipality of Lanciano for the Re-qualification of the urban public system of Corso Trento e Trieste


[scientific and planning coordination]
Orazio Carpenzano
Mosè Ricci
Filippo Spaini

[design team]
Fabio Balducci
Nicola Di Biase
Armando Iacovantuono
Rossana Lamanna
Giulia Radaelli